Rules of typing anything

Well, Maddalena’s done it again!

Again? Yes, she has, once again, successfully pulled a prank on me. What prank? Seriously, you don’t wanna know.

OK, I’ll tell you.

She changed the setting on my laptop so that when I press Q, it’d come out as F. Great trick, but I already solved this problem (if not, I wouldn’t be able to type this correctly), and the problem was… the keyboard layout was set to Turkish F. So that brings me to rule number one:

1) Always check the keyboard layout.

And rule 1 goes further. There is also a Q layout, which looks like a typical QWERTY w/ i (dotted) swapped with ı (dotless) and a few extras.

And thıs ıs how ıt looks lıke.

2) Always check the CAPS button.

Well, rule 2 seems to be less important than rule 1 (not to mention how strange a dotless i looks, at least in English), but the usage of CAPS often shows strong emotion. And it might be considered rude too.


3) Watch out for typos.

They are plain unpleasant, but some typos are done on purpose. Ha.

And you can tell that that’s the end. I may come up with a brand new list, or continue this list if I have any ideas.